Friday, December 24, 2010

Have A Holiday Heart Year-Round!

Hands down, Christmas is my favorite time of year!  The chestnuts are roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost is nipping at my nose, I am enjoying the sights and sounds of Christmas and spreading cheer wherever I go!  While out in the hustle and bustle that is Christmas Eve, I noticed some things.  People are a little bit nicer, the streets are a little bit brighter, children are happier and celebrations are plentiful.  It is an absolutely beautiful time of the year!  Kind of sad to think that for all the other days, people forget how the joy of the holidays can be spread all throughout the year.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Exactly Why Are We Toasting Scumbags and Jerk-Offs?!

Let's stop toasting nonsense!
Ahh, good old Kanye West!  Leave it to him to turn toasting into something negative!  In his song Runaway, he is crooning about the men who do women wrong and toasting them for it.  I feel that the jerks and scumbags are getting a little too much credit for nothing.  Being a real/good man has lost its appeal lately and it’s driving me insane!   According to many women out there, there are no good men to be found; they are all either taken, gay or not interested.  I don’t agree with that.  There ARE good men out there; however some women need to stop lying to themselves.  Nothing is changing because some women are accepting laziness, rudeness and disrespect.  Until there is some accountability, things will only continue to get worse.   

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Where Is The Benefit In Friends With Benefits?!

Prelude: This short and sweet gem is an OLD Facebook note that I found.  I wanted to share it with you guys because I am currently researching my next post and working out the kinks with that one.  Hope you enjoy!

Once again, talking with a good friend and we got on the subject of being friends with benefits. This guy wants to be friends with benefits with her, but he can't seem to get over some of the previous girls in his life.

I started thinking...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sex Too Soon: Ain't No Telling What We Could Have Been...

When you put the cart before the horse,
you don't get very far!

Our society has gone from anticipating a kiss at the end of a first date to having an escape plan for the morning after!  Even with all the looming consequences, many people are rushing into sexual relationships with strangers without reading the fine print.  This “faster than a speeding bullet” mentality is resulting in one night stands, failed relationships and never-ending searches for the next big thing.  It is also decreasing the levels of respect we have for ourselves and each other and changing the rules of dating and intimacy.  Some couples are successful despite how early they had sex, but let’s not lose sight of the big picture.  What may seem like a minor impulsive choice can result in major permanent damage.  Marriages are failing and couples are breaking up faster than R&B groups nowadays.  STI’s are on the rise.  Children are being born into single family households.  Relationships are burdened with trust, insecurity and jealousy issues.  I believe our impulses have a lot to do with it.   So I pose this question… In this fast and furious world, does slow and steady still win the race?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Do I Need To Whip Out A Friend Contract?!

I have always said that I would rather see the knife coming than have to pull it out of my back.    I’ve also said that the people you love and care about can hurt you most.  Some friendship crimes are so heinous that they require immediate attention.  I recently found out that a long-time friend of mine was communicating with my ex-boyfriend.  About what, I don’t particularly know.  For how long, I can’t say.  However the content of their conversation was not my issue.  The principle of them communicating at all was the actual problem.  We have had our problems in the past, but this was the breaking point for me.  Even after years of knowing each other, our unspoken rules suddenly meant nothing.  I addressed both parties because I’m a fair girl J, but my girlfriend got the higher sentence.  Real friends know your boundaries and don’t cross them.  I don’t feel the need to reach out to any of my friends’ past or present men and I expect the same respect.  As with any relationship, the main things I require are consistency, honesty and loyalty.  Without the three, there is enough reasonable doubt to convict and dismiss! 

Contracts are for business;
not for friendship!

Facebook: The Modern Day Background Check…

When it is ok to accept?
What is on my mind at the current moment, where I like to vacation, that embarrassing picture from college, how I feel about my favorite television show, where I work, who my closest friends are, my goals for the future, my birthday, my relationship status, my general location in the world and what I like to do with my time.  All of these things should be released over time in a new relationship, but who does that anymore?!  With the acceptance of a “friend” request, the average Joe can have all this information and more from a little site called Facebook.  No detective’s license needed!  I’ve certainly been the willing victim of a Facebook stalker or two.  You add someone and suddenly they become the guru on everything that is you!  They are constantly commenting on your status updates, pictures and posts.  You may hop onto the site to make a quick update and you are suddenly trapped in an unwanted chat conversation!  You could block them, but the damage has already been done!  Plus you may feel the need to explain your choice of deleting them!  Crazy stuff!  Being an old fashioned single girl living in this technological world is a little tricky.  When is it ok to allow someone you just met access to your Facebook page? 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

To Give Or Not To Give?...That Is The Question!

"We should give as we would receive, cheerfully, quickly, and without hesitation; for there is no grace in a benefit that sticks to the fingers." 

With Christmas less than a week away, there are a lot of loose ends to tie up!  For many who are dating someone new, this may not include tying a bow on a gift.  I was very tempted to vent on the ignorance known as gift-giveaphobia, but then I put some thought into this topic.  Sometimes it can be tricky to know whether a gift is appropriate in the earlier stages of a relationship.  You don’t want to come across as crazy and get an extravagant and inappropriate gift.  You also don’t want to pull the old brush off/break up conveniently before the big day.  So what do you do?!  Well you know I’m going to tell you!   It doesn’t matter how long you have known someone, there are particular rules for men and women to follow in the spirit of gift giving etiquette.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Should A Woman EVER Propose?

She may be dragging
him now, but
he will be running off
Many women would LOVE for the man of their dreams to propose at the beginning of the week and wed them by the end of it, IF they could have their perfect wedding.  Now, place the glass slipper on the other foot.  Imagine a woman proposing to a man on a Monday, throwing together a ceremony all week long and dragging him down the aisle by Friday!  That’s not even the best part: He doesn’t accept or deny the proposal when it is asked.  He gets less than a week to think about it, then answers on the day of the wedding!  Sounds ludicrous don’t it?!  Well, this is exactly what I watched last night on WE!  A sickening, psychologically damaging show called “Jilted?”, where the tradition-laden table is turned and the woman pops the question.  I witnessed a thirty-something woman with a biological clock ticking louder than Big Ben, force her confused and flabbergasted boyfriend of a year into a decision of a lifetime.  Then she threw their relationship away because he couldn’t marry her after a year and a week!  How insanely ridiculous?! 

Friday, November 26, 2010

A-Lister(s): Are You Planning Your Love Away?

"What the?!  I can't
possibly be all of
these things!"
We all know someone like her.  The woman who has a mile-long list of qualities that she MUST have in a man.  This list practically trails the floor and crosses city and state lines.  It has jagged edges from months of additions and side notes.  Its detailed content surpasses the U.S. Constitution! If you ever got a peak at the list, you may have seen some impractical expectations or unrealistic aspirations.  Things like: must make X amount of money per year, must exercise 5.5 times a week, must have a certain amount of facial hair, must allow her to be right ALL the time (even when she’s wrong!), must be able to read minds and prevent arguments that result in him winning, and the list drags on!  Before I really go in, I don’t want it misconstrued that having standards and expectations is a negative thing.  In fact, I believe it’s important to know what you want.  However, there are a few issues with being too picky and judgmental about a potential mate. 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

What Are You Thankful For?

Good Morning World!  This post is not just for those celebrating Thanksgiving Day, but for everyone.  A tradition for those who do celebrate this holiday involves going around a food-filled table of family and friends and stating what we are thankful for.  As lovely as this is, I am making a vow today to be grateful everyday of the year.  We are not privy to the contents and happenings of each coming day, but we ALWAYS have something to be thankful for.  Whether it is your health, your friends, the roof over your head, the opportunity to eat or just the strength to move forward we are all blessed!  If you have everything you want, never forget that there are others out there who would love what you have.  Give back with a kind heart and understanding spirit.  If you are hoping for a miracle, realize that you are surrounded by them!  We have to be thankful for everything whether large or small because nothing is promised!

Remember these people as you go throughout your day:

The soldiers fighting around the world...
The homeless women, men and children who don't know where their next meal is coming from...
The unemployed people who struggle to make their holiday special...
The elderly who rarely/never get a visit or a kind word from their family...
The orphans who are wishing someone will take them home...
The poor who don't have the opportunity to sit at a dinner table...
All that are less fortunate, but more grateful than those of us who have what we want...

Never forget how blessed your life is!  Things could always be worse and you can always make someone else's life better no matter who you are! 

I am thankful to be awake, thankful to be loved, thankful to be healthy and thankful to be able to express myself!  What are you thankful for today?!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Love & Enjoy Yourself!...Don't Wait for Anyone Else!

Even when surrounded
by others you can feel
alone.  Find your inner
peace and happiness
to combat that sinking
Have you ever seen a movie where a single, lonely person is standing forlorn in the rain watching a happy couple eat dinner through a glass window?  I always wondered why that person never dried off, went inside and got a table for themselves!  We have been taught that operating as a single unit is a negative thing.  At early ages we are pushed into little groups in school.  We are told to pick a partner for projects.  We buddy up for trips.  It doesn’t change as adults.  Often our jobs put us on teams.  The media usually pairs three or more people as a group of friends.  People who are loners or less sociable are considered strange.  Dinner tables are usually set for two or more.  For many places, you need a group to get a discount.  Basically, being a single unit is seen as problematic or drenched in loneliness.  I firmly disagree with this coupled up and grouped out philosophy.  It is true that no man is an island, but every person should be familiar with their own inner peace.  You don’t always need another person to enjoy your life or help you discover who you are.

Makes E Wanna Holler!: ENOUGH With the Uncertainty!

PSA: To all the men out there…KNOW WHAT YOU WANT!  If you want nothing, you want nothing and let it go!  If you want friendship, you want friendship and pursue that!  If you want sex, you want sex and pursue that!  If you want a relationship, you want a relationship and pursue that!  Quit merging and mixing emotions, needs and wants!  Stop playing games because when you really DO want something serious with someone you fall for, she may be so bitter and down-trodden by the games that she can’t appreciate you!  JUST STOP IT!
I met a delightful guy the other night and we sparked up an enlightening conversation.  Of course relationships were the main topic.  We covered standards, intimacy, cheating and the media’s role in whom we choose to date.  He brought up a television show where a forum of men and women discussed why so many women of color are single.  As a single woman of color, I am a little sick of being asked that question…but I digress!  I will cover that topic on another post!  However, I did let him know why I was single by the end of our talk.  We decided to wrap up with one tidbit of advice that I could share with my girls on a man’s point of view and vice versa.  He offered this…”Women should be more accepting and patient with a man who doesn’t have everything, but has the potential to build everything with her.”  I agreed and I offered him this...  “Men should be honest with themselves, and who they approach, about what they want.  Regardless of whether it is nothing, friendship, sex or something serious, allow a woman to know what she is getting herself into.”

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Terri Bryant's Sentiments

Keeping with the For Colored Girls theme, I wanted to share this FB note written by a woman named Terri Bryant.  I don't know her personally, but this did come by my e-mail and I wanted to share it with my audience.  I don't believe this is just about black women...this is about ALL WOMEN!  We need to do better and learn to support each other. Enough from me though, please read on!  
~ Eboni Faulkner  

If you are a woman, I believe that you are someone special!  After reading this, I take ownership of my own discouraging words, behaviors and thoughts and I vow to do my best to never do it again.


"When I first heard of the movie "For Colored Girls" I got so excited. I had the idea of getting as many women together that I could think of to go see this movie. I had visions of group discussions and moments shared with one another that would lead to healing and growth, I guess I kind of imagined a Women’s Empowerment Conference type of setting. I did go see it and it is a must see…But anyway…

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Living Breathing Pincushions: Self Respect and Sex

Allowing yourself to be pierced
by the world can lead to lasting
When I was in college, I devised a theory I like to call the “Pincushion Theory”.  I used to sew and I noticed that before a pincushion is used, it has certain solidity to it.  When you introduce a needle, it is never the same.  The needle that punctures it goes unscathed and unharmed, but after some time if you stick a pincushion enough it begins to wear down.  Covered in holes, it loses its solidity.  These permanent holes leave a lasting mark that can never be repaired.  You can cover a pincushion with another piece of fabric, but underneath it will still suffer the damage of the initial uses.  It will also be full of voids that can only be filled by another needle.  A lot of women are living, breathing, worn down pincushions.  They have allowed the needles of the world access to their bodies, minds and spirits.   Thandie Newton’s character is the epitome of a pincushion.  Lost in the thrill and emptiness of sex with strangers, she had convinced herself that her infatuation with sex was an empowerment tactic.  She was invincible under this belief.  There is one problem with that though…A pincushion can not hurt a needle.  A needle can leave a lasting impression on a pincushion.

Monday, November 8, 2010

50th Post Extravaganza!!! The Devil You Know...

Pop the champagne and let’s celebrate!  This is officially my 50th post!  Kind of hard to believe that in the span of three months, I have had this much on my mind!  I’ve covered motivation, relationships, friendships, love, life, and even animals!  I must say that I am really enjoying this blogging thing. ☺ 
Up until now, you have seen many sides of me.  After seeing For Colored Girls, I want to give you another side of me.  The Eboni that weeps for those affected by others, fights for those who are powerless and prays for everyone involved.  For the first time in my life, I shed tears in a movie theatre over a scene that will forever replay in my head.  Today’s topic is about date rape and its ramifications.  (Keep in mind that I am discussing a man raping a woman, but ANYBODY can rape another person regardless of their sex.) 

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Makes E Wanna Holler!: Live With the Beast, Die By the Beast...

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!  Last time I checked, I thought they belonged in the wild!  What happened to the days when people had a dog or maybe a fish in their repertoire of pets?  When people would watch Wild Kingdom and marvel at the strength and beauty of wild animals from the safety of their homes?  Although I usually indulge in the human side of relationships, I am compelled to discuss the psychology of exotic pet owners/lovers.  Lately I have become seduced by the show Fatal Attractions on Animal Planet.  If you have not seen the show, the entire premise is to introduce you to people who have deadly relationships with their exotic pets.  (I love the scared straight/horror movie feel they have going!  It screams, "GET A LIFE AND A NORMAL PET!)  So far I have seen these mentally touched pet owners fall prey to the animals they love (Bears, snakes, lizards, tigers, chimps...).  It is really sad and scary to think that people find such solace and enjoyment in animals that can rip them to shreds. 

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Makes E Wanna Holler!: Break-Up Chumps...

Break-ups are normal.
Running away from them
is NOT!
What is it about breaking up with someone that makes us cringe?  Could it be the knowledge of hurting someone you once cared for?  Could it be the fear of how the person will take it?  Regardless of the outcome, breaking up is never easy for either person.  Maybe that's why people have resorted to the easy way out: the one-sided break-up.  Yeah, you know what I'm talking about!  The break-up where the dumper leaves like a thief in the night and never looks back.  Suddenly the dumpee is left wondering what happened and why the other person disappeared without so much as a last goodbye.  In the past, I've been both the dumper and the dumpee and neither is a good position.  Dealing with a break-up is hard enough without being left behind with no answers or sense of closure.  

Makes E Wanna Holler!: The Complication in Being Classy...

Is there a such thing as being too "fancy"?  I ask because lately it seems that being a woman with goals, drive, looks and appeal is a little too much for the world.  Lately, I've been noticing that the less put together women seem to get it all.  Meanwhile the women who go out and get it for themselves are usually left with their possessions to keep them warm.  So, yesterday my little sister and I were out in NYC scouting name-brand handbags.  While in the Chanel store, I spotted a bag that was made for me.  I slipped it on my shoulder and marveled at the comfort and style.  I HAD TO HAVE IT!  Then I heard a lady behind me say..."If you get that bag, what is a man going to get you?"

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lesson #3: Real Women Don't Chase Men

When I was in high school, I never took any relationship seriously.  Nobody was worth my time and what one person wouldn’t do, another would.  I kept that mentality until I came across someone who I couldn’t quite catch, mold or train.  Trading in my heels for some Nikes, I commenced to chase this guy.  BIG MISTAKE!  Of all the lessons I have learned in my lifetime, this was one of the biggest.  Real women don’t chase men.  In fact, real woman don’t walk briskly to catch a man!  They know their worth and allow themselves to be found.  It takes a strong and confident woman to know what she brings to the table and exactly what type of man will appreciate these offerings.  Since it took me a minute to learn this, I make sure all the young women in my life understand that no man is worth the chase.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Lesson # 2: Discovering & Developing A Passion

I spoke to the different women in my life about the lessons young girls should be taught and the feedback was overwhelming.  However, the consensus was clear on one thing: "education and self-sufficiency".  When I think back to grade school, my favorite memory was career day.  This opportunity to see beautiful, put together women with a passion for what they did was inspirational and awe-inspiring.  It challenged me to set my goals high and reach for them without reservations or fear.  Our girls need to know that they can be anything, pursue anything and take care of themselves.  Finding a passion, developing it and discovering self-sufficiency is such a powerful tool to instill in young girls for many reasons.   For one, they are the future mothers and leaders of tomorrow.  Secondly, depending on someone else to take care of them for the rest of their lives is unrealistic.  Last, BECAUSE THEY CAN!!! 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Lesson #1: Embracing Our Own Unique Beauty

Let's teach girls to love
what looks back at them!
 Can you imagine how young girls feel when they look at themselves in a mirror and discover that the world's image of beauty is far from their reflection?  What they must think when they watch television shows that promote women getting plastic surgery to "tweak" a "minor" problem.  How they internalize a man disregarding them for someone they believe is more attractive.  I wanted to start the week off with addressing why it's so important to instill in our young girls of all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds that true beauty and self-love are not based on the media, stereotypical messages or men.  We need to uplift our girls and encourage them to embrace THEIR own unique brand of beautiful; nobody else's.  Also the importance of gracefully exhibiting this internal/external beauty without allowing any outside factors to steal its shine!

Tips to STOP Domestic/Dating Violence!

   Learn as much as you can about domestic violence.  Separate the myths from the facts.

 Provide unconditional support to a victim without judgment or further abusive behaviors.

Don’t turn your back on, demean, question, or demand things from a victim.  Show your love in positive and caring ways.

 Work with the victim to create a safety plan for when THEY are ready to end their relationship.

  Provide a victim with resources.  The tab above offers various solutions for national, international and age appropriate options.

 NEVER BLAME THE VICTIM.  We can all be on the negative end of abuse and blame causes lower self-esteem, loss of support and hopelessness.  Empowerment, knowledge and love are critical in stopping the spread of domestic violence.
  If you see something, SAY SOMETHING!  Get the police involved and NEVER get physically involved with the abuser.  Often times this increases the violence against the victim.
  Educate others about domestic violence; women, men, teens, children.  Use various means and locations to reach others; churches, community centers, organizations, schools, etc.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Fatal First Loves...Teen Dating Violence...

If you are a teen and feel you are being abused or know someone who is, please get the help you need.  It’s never too late.   Call 1-866-331-9474 | 1-866-331-8453 TTY or visit .
The infamous Chris Brown and Rihanna incident may have put it on the map for many, but teen dating violence is not new.  Teens deal with the same types of abuse as adults.  Add the social networking aspects and they experience even more.  It’s unfortunate that many people dismiss or refuse to acknowledge a problem that is as serious as domestic violence. 

“A comparison of Intimate Partner Violence rates between teens and adults reveals that teens are at higher risk of intimate partner abuse.”1

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Battered Men: The Silence, the Stigma, the Suffering...

"Domestic violence is not a gender issue, it is a human issue"

A man who is being abused by a women or another man is often called:"Browbeat", "Whipped", "Punk", "Pussy", "Chump", "Weak", "Bitch"  Call it what you want; I call it "ABUSED".  Before you read any further, I want you to open your mind to this post.  According to the US Justice Department and the Centers for Prevention & Disease Control, over 1/3 of all batterers involved in domestic violence were wives or girlfriends.  Abuse against men is very real and if you don't believe that it can happen, click the link to watch a short video about a man who endured 25 years of abuse from his wife:

 Jerry Miranda Story

When I decided to write about this topic tonight, I knew there would be people who couldn't understand how a man could be a victim.  In presentations I explain it like this...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Why Do They Stay? Understanding the Mind Of The Victim...

In researching tonight’s topic, I watched quite a few YouTube videos on why women stay in abusive relationships.  I have many issues with this because #1, women are NOT the only victims of domestic violence.  (Tomorrow will be dedicated to the battered men!)  Second, it is never the fault of the victim that they are being abused.  Back to the videos I perused, from the experts to the common contributors, people tend to blame the victim for staying.  “You dumb as hell for staying with a dude who beats you.”  “The woman doesn’t know what is happening and therefore stays around.”  “If you loved yourself enough, you would leave.”  “Ain’t nothing stopping you but yourself.”  All I hear is:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What You Don't Know Can Kill You! The Warning Signs of DV...

Know the red flags!
We learned yesterday that abuse is a pattern.  It is a meticulously built tool to maintain control over a partner.  Before abuse becomes physical, there are usually a number of warning signs that happen in any relationship that are clear indicators that a person has abusive tendencies.  It is important to know that abuse can happen in ANY relationship…friendships, work relationships, intimate partner relationships etc.  The following warning signs can be executed by men OR women and set the basis for further abuse. 


Monday, October 4, 2010

So What Is Domestic Violence?

When it comes to epidemics, people usually tend to associate with the most extreme cases as explanations.  Domestic violence is no different.  How many times have we seen a movie where a small, timid woman is physically beaten by a stronger and testosterone crazed man?  How often have we been led to believe that the woman is stupid, weak or crazy for staying with an abuser?  Have you ever blamed a victim of abuse for not fighting back or walking away?  For me the numbers are too often.  Neither abusers nor victims have a face or type.  Both men and women can be perpetrators of violence against their partner.  Domestic violence is about CONTROL, not sheer force or strength.  So tonight I want to give you the real meaning of DV and for the rest of the week continue to delve into what abuse really looks like. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

*Extra Post!* The One That Got Away...

Your girl is back with a vengeance and a topic we can all relate to! I've always said, “It’s hard to get treasure back when you throw it out with the trash.” Then I came across Monica’s song, “So Gone” and let this section slip in my spirit…

“It’s funny how the tables turn / Now it’s you running after me / Didn’t want to spend quality time / Didn’t think I would ever leave / You got way to comfortable / Now you say you want me in your life”…

…In some cases it’s a little too late for comebacks. After throwing away perfectly great people for reasons unknown, how can we return and expect them to forget AND forgive? Do we really think that highly of ourselves? We expect more than we give at times because we don’t realize how special some people are. Kindergarten lessons still relate to adulthood and we must treat people the way we want to be treated.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

It's So Hard To Say Goodbye...

To say I miss him is an understatement.  I long for him.  I crave his voice and advice.  I still need him.  There are two slow moving tears travelling down my face as I write this.  Every now and then a feeling comes over me so strongly that I can’t release it except for crying.  Right now this is exactly how I feel.  His picture is on my nightstand and when I look at him I can’t help but think of how much I wanted to say.  How bad I wanted to mend our relationship and start fresh.  Of all the things I have experienced in my life, the loss of my father is a pain I endure every single day.  It is still the most surreal feeling to know that someone you loved with all your heart is never coming back.  I can feel his presence all around me whenever I come home late at night.  He sends me warnings and confirmations everytime something or someone doesn't have my best interest.  My tears seem to miraculously dry up just when they are beginning to consume me.  I know he is safe in Heaven every time I hear Marvin Gaye or the Isley Brothers when I turn to a radio station and hear their songs.  You just never know the connection you have with someone until you no longer have them.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Forget Submission...Trust Your Intuition!!!!!

Hello all!  Today was quite the day.  I suffered from writer's block up until this evening when my life hit its heightened climactic peak.  I was suddenly hit with more material than I could shake a stick at!  Earlier in the week, I discussed "letting it go".  In many cases this is the only way to keep going and maintain your sanity.  What happens when you can't do that?  Well that's what happened to me today.  I decided to make an executive decision to trust my intuition and take the necessary steps to get the closure and peace I needed.  Monday's post exhibited my thoughts and feelings on that day.  When I hit today though, something happened that made me want to take matters into my own hands.  For the past 24 years, my intuition has exponentially grown into an entity that I can't deny.  It answers the questions that no one else can and alleviates the fears that come unannounced.  Robert Graves describes it best:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR)

  He begged her to talk with him.  "We have so much to discuss".  Those were his sentiments.  She thought perhaps an apology would be at the heart of this conversation.  He had done so much to deliberately hurt her that she didn't believe he could do any more damage.  She met him and they talked in her car.  The interaction gradually turned from tense to terrifying and she knew she made a huge mistake by allowing this talk to happen.  She decided to drive her car away from the desolate street they were on to an open, well lit parking lot with a healthy amount of pedestrians.  Noticing his anger increasing, she felt trapped even surrounded by people.  She had left him four months ago for irreconcilable mistakes made on his part.  He still couldn't fathom their relationship being over.  She screamed out, "Why are you doing this to me?  Just leave me alone!"  He grabbed her neck and squeezed.  In that moment, she felt the breath robbed from her body.  Her heart was beating from her chest and aside from physical pain, she felt betrayed and disrespected.  The tears streaming down her face seemed to singe her cheeks.  Within her emotions, she managed to garner enough power to punch him in his ribs.  He groaned in agony, but continued to choke her until something snapped and he let her go.  She grabbed her throat from shock and held on from dismay. He fled from the car and disappeared.  In the moments after this incident, anything affiliated with him caused only one emotion...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Unhappy? Why Wait?! Grab Your Own Happiness!

For my Facebook status today, I was compelled to write this:

I never imagined after having my heart broken last year that it would be mended like this. Never let one person or situation define or destroy your happiness. Create your own!


Our burdens are our own
to carry just like
our happiness is our own
to create.

There are quite a few things going on in my world that evoked this thought.  As of late, I have seen a change in the "attitude" of what is my life.  I have great friends and family, I enjoy my job, my business is doing extremely well for it's second month, my health is top notch, I met someone who brightens my day, I feel and look better than ever and I wake up thankful for every moment I get to enjoy it all.  Now before you go rolling your eyes because it seems too good to be true, I have also dealt with a lot of negative (and preposterous) issues in the past three years.  The loss of my father and a few deadbeat friends, two horrible and damaging relationships, financial woes and a life changing situation that changed my view on giving my heart to anyone ever again.  Yeah, it was a mess!  The one thing I learned in these past three years is that we often place our burdens on someone else and get angry because they drop it.  It is our responsibility to carry our issues and decide when to drop said issues.  When I stopped blaming the world for my problems, I realized my own problem: I needed to get off my butt and take charge of what I needed to make me smile again.  I noticed the two main things standing between myself and my happiness included people and situations.  After some prayer and meditation, this is what I realized:

Monday, September 27, 2010

Think I Better Let It Go...

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

This evening revealed a lot of things to me about a situation I've been going through for the past two months.  I offered my kindness, and money, to a person I thought was trustworthy.  In light of a lot of negative situations that have plagued me this year, I thought I was smooth sailing.  However, just when things started to go well, BAM, this happens.  There are so many questions I have floating around in my head about why they would hurt me like this.  I mean, what did I ever do to deserve such ignorance and evilness?  My face is damp from crying and that heavy feeling of pain and betrayal has consumed me.  I truly hate feeling used and foolish for even playing a part in it.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Whom Shall We Fear? ...Our Loved Ones!

(New Material!  I had to do it because people have officially lost their minds around here!)

I didn’t need to look behind me to realize I was being chased by a large group of unknown things.  They were in the shape of people, but my instinct was telling me there was something demonic about their presence.  Gnashing at my ability to outrun them, they continued to torment me.  I heard familiar voices, but denied their origin out of disbelief.  Surrounded on every side except for the clear path ahead of me leading to a cliff, I ran for my life.  Sweat was pouring from my head, my heart was pounding and I was nervous that my legs would give out running toward this sharp, eminent cliff.  Either option seemed to lead to death for me.  I wasn’t sure what type of death awaited me, whether physical or emotional but I dreaded both.  Within inches from the cliff, I lost every ounce of energy I had and collapsed.  I tightly clenched my eyes, but could still feel their presence.  Darkness clouded around me and I opened my eyes to realize the same creatures that were chasing me were people I knew very well.  At this moment I woke up to this reality: Sometimes, the people we know can be our worst nightmare. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

There Are Plenty of Mudfish In The Sea!!

(I wrote this note for Facebook and it has become my shining jewel!  All my friends loved it so I thought it would be a great addition for the week!)

Pic of the Mudfish!

Ever heard that old saying, “There are plenty of fish in the sea.” Of course you have! (Silly me for even asking!) Well, do I have a story to tell you!

It all dates back to when I was ten years old and I went fishing with my uncle for the first time. For story sake, it is important to know that my uncle is a professional bass fisherman, so he knows his stuff. As he was teaching me the ins and outs, I started to get comfortable and caught a few small fish. This was to be expected and they were my practice catches as my uncle explained. Then the unthinkable happened… My line jerked to the point where I almost lost my reel. I held on for dear life and started to reel this HUGE catch in. I would pull a little, the fish would pull a lot. Eventually the struggle got to be too much and my uncle helped me pull it in the boat. The whole process took about 30 minutes. When the fish surfaced, it was the biggest fish I had ever seen. It glistened in the sunlight and flopped around the boat. My uncle helped me hold it up so we could get a picture with it. I was so proud! Then he threw it back in the water! Of course, I was taken aback. We were fishing for dinner so I thought I had sealed the deal and we could get out of the hot Augusta heat. My uncle explained that I caught a mudfish (the lowest of the low; it spends it’s life BELOW the mud barely breathing) and we wouldn’t be able to eat it.

So I got to thinking…

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Excerpt From "Never No More" (My Unreleased Novel)

I returned to the scene of the crime.  2497 Halstead Drive.  A feeling of dread consumed me as I stared at Derrick’s car in the driveway.  I was never good with confrontation.  The ball was in my court, but I didn’t know what to do with it.  After sitting in the driveway for almost an hour, I decided it was time to face my demons. 
With bags in tow, I didn’t spend any time looking for Derrick.  I headed straight for the bedroom.  The California king sized bed was made with fresh linen and showed no signs of the infidelity committed by my husband.  A tear formed and I quickly brushed it away.  I had already done enough of that.  Derrick was somewhere in the house and the last thing I wanted was for him to find me crying.  I wanted him to feel my pain.  I wanted him to suffer.  I wanted him to pay.
My clothes and toiletries were back in their place and I tucked my luggage in the closet.  Still no sign of Derrick.  I stood directly in front of our bed looking for something, anything.  All that remained were the memories of what I witnessed. 
The door cracked.  The candles lit.  The sickening aroma of lust lingering in the air.  The sheets pulled taut with another woman’s hands.  Derrick sliding in and out, in and out, in and out of this stranger.  Anonymous screams echoed in my head.
I allowed that tear to fall.  Pain was pain and faking it only made matters worse.  Derrick managed to make me feel like a stranger in my own home.  No amount of apologies could rectify the damage he inflicted.  Just as I was about to burst into the spontaneous tears that crippled me, his deep voice interrupted.
“Roya, you came back.”  A guilty and run down excuse for the usual Derrick was standing in the doorway.  Wearing a wife-beater and his chill jeans, he looked unkempt and grubby.  The evidence of regret and distress was visible on his stubbly face.  He was definitely at his worst. 
I glanced at him long enough to become nauseous and returned my gaze to the bed.  If this was his half-hearted attempt to make me feel sorry for him, he was mistaken.
He quickly entertained the thought of how Alicia got her to leave at all.  Derrick was not used to this side of her.  Looking angrier than she had ever been, he was unsure that his plan would hold up.  She did come home though.  All he had to do was keep her there.  The script he prepared for her return had dissipated.  Small talk was the best he could muster. 
“How you been?  I’ve really missed you.”  
I turned and looked through him.  He knew where I was staying and if he cared anything about me, he wouldn’t be in this position. 
The look on her face was a mixture of rage, sadness, and utter disappointment.  She played ping-pong with her eyes and back and forth between him and the bed.  In a voice that was barely audible and purely evil, she asked, “So who is she?”
Derrick tucked his thumbs into the front pocket of his jeans.  Looking everywhere but directly at his wife, he replied, “She’s nobody.  I swear to you baby it meant nothing.” 
Derrick was fluent in English and BS.  She may have let his lies slide in the past, but it was a new day.  Her cold stare cut through his core.  Derrick was glad that he hadn’t fully entered the room.  He would never admit it, but the look scared the **** out of him.
“No Derrick, I meant nothing.”  The statement deserved a pause.  “You brought another woman into our home, our bed.  How are we supposed to move on from this?  I want to know who the **** she is!  Who is this person you feel so comfortable with bringing up in here?”
Derrick scratched the designated spot on the back of his neck reserved for lies.  He would not answer that last question.  There was no need to involve names.  Soroya already had enough ammunition. 
“Baby, I messed up.  I wasn’t thinking.  I promise I will never hurt you again.  I thought you were going to leave me.”
My anger escalated as I addressed my husband.  “I’ll be damned if you are going to disrespect me and get the satisfaction of freedom.”  Through my anger, I found a sense of power.  It was time to get what I wanted for a change.
“I’m sick of your **** Derrick.  Your promises don’t mean anything without proof.  You will not touch me until you get tested for EVERYTHING, we will get a new bed, and we are signing up for counseling next week.”
Derrick put his hands up in peaceful protest.  The other requests were doable, but counseling was a fate worse than death.
“Babe, we don’t have to take it that far.  We can work it out.  We can get through this.” 
Moving closer to me, I backed away in disgust.  He had pushed me too far and it would take more than a few words to console me.
“Maybe I wasn’t clear, but this isn’t optional.  This is my marriage too and I deserve respect.  You will stay away from that ***** and anybody else that you are messing with behind my back.  We will get through this because this is MY home and I am YOUR wife.  Don’t you ever forget that.”  I brushed past Derrick and left him to think about his actions.

After the conversation in the room that started it all, Derrick realized that his betrayal created a rift that he couldn’t easily bridge.   Even after fulfilling Soroya’s demands, their relationship was still strained.  Derrick lived in constant confusion, which was new to him.  Soroya continued to cook and clean, but she completely withdrew otherwise.  The only time she would speak was during their counseling sessions and sex was out of the question.  She refused to sleep in the same room with him even after their old bed was replaced and Derrick was given a clean bill of health.
Pretty soon, an entire month had passed with less than a few sentences shared between them.  Derrick needed the old Soroya back.  Not being in control was too much work.  He returned to the days where he showered Soroya with everything her heart desired.  Derrick spent countless amounts on apology cards, flowers, jewelry, and gifts.  The most recent gift was an engraved Tiffany’s tennis bracelet.  He was sure that one would steal her heart, but she barely mumbled thank you.  With every token, he believed that he was paying his way out of his indiscretion.
Soroya saw through his attempts because she knew they were short lived.  Her possession of the control was temporary until he decided to take it back.  Every day was a ticking time bomb with no detonation in sight.  Derrick would act and play whatever role in order to make her stay.  What she didn’t know was the curtain was about to fall.