Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lies, STD's, and Cheating: The Deadly Truth

STOP accepting the lies when
it comes to your health!
(Pic courtesy of
"I was just ****ing them girls, I was gon get right back." 
-Jay-Z.  "Song Cry"

"I tell those other girls the truth because I don't care about them, I lie to you because I care about your FEELINGS."
-Tyrese in Baby Boy

"I live by a don't ask, don't tell policy.  It's not on me to inform a chick of anything.  Most females are too impressed by me to even ask."
-Derrick. A habitual liar and chronic cheater; one of the main characters in my novel, "Never No More".


"Anyone who can be trusted in little matters can also be trusted in important matters. But anyone who is dishonest in little matters will be dishonest in important matters."

Luke 16:10 (CEV)

This scripture manages to sum it up quickly.  In tonight's post, the important matter is our health.  I compiled these quotes and the scripture to show that regardless of whether it's music, movies, or literature, there are still people out there that promote unsafe sex practices with strangers, people they don't know well, or even the one's they trust.  Nobody wants to talk about the other side of this dangerous game; becoming the victim of an STD.

Cheating has become the new standard in many relationships.  In a world where excess, lust and satiation of our desires is encouraged, the consequences can be deadly.  While doing research for this post, I was so hurt behind some of the things I found.  These are just a handful of some of the disgusting statistics I came across:

1) I took an online health study and came across these disturbing answers:
"Have you ever had an STD test? How long ago was it?
Have the conversation early and often.  Your health is
worth it.
Out of 493,456 responses these were the results... 
63% No, I've never had one.
12% Yes, more than 2 years ago
8%   Yes, 1 to 2 years ago
7%   Yes, 3 to 12 months ago
5%   Yes, within the last 3 months

Then the next question asked:

Do you have HIV?
Out of 407,612 responses these were the results...
85% Definitely not
11% Not to my knowledge
0%   Yes

(Now you KNOW somebody is lying!  For 63% of a group to say they have NEVER been tested, how can they turn around and be positively sure that they don't have HIV?  Food for thought!)

2) "Researchers found that of the 783 adults surveyed in the Chicago area, one third of sexual relationships lack exclusivity, and one in 10 men and women said that both they and their partner had slept with other people. The study concluded that "being involved with a friend increased the likelihood of non-monogamy by 44 percent for women and 25 percent for men."

Read more:

3) "HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death for black women 25-34 years old."
(*Courtesy of Essence Magazine; September 2010 ed.; p.223)

4) "Blacks/African Americans accounted for 52% of new HIV diagnoses and 48% of AIDS diagnoses in 2008."

"Among men diagnosed with AIDS in 2008, 52% of black/African American men, 63% of Hispanic/Latino men and 78% of white men became infected with HIV through male-to-male sexual contact. Among women diagnosed with AIDS in 2008, 77% of black/African American women, 75% of Hispanic/Latino women and 65% of white women became infected through heterosexual contact."
(*Courtesy of

I promise I will cover the down low brother topic another day, but I hope these stats helped you get a more realistic view of what we are facing as a sexually deviant society.  It's important to get tested often and protect yourself during ANY sexual encounter.  Don't let any type of media fool you, this is an epidemic that can be altered with some common sense, the release of pride and communication.

What's below the surface
is worth discovering.
Common sense is something that usually evades us when it comes to the heat of the moment.  Usually nobody wants to have the dreaded STD talk or even ask about previous partners.  However, sex is not a topic worth being embarrased over.  My mom has always said, "If you act grown, you have to be ready for grown decisions."  These decisions are not easy to make, but never be afraid to face your partner.  This is the only life you have.  Besides, if you have to worry about a person's reaction, maybe sex is the wrong activity to consider. 

When it comes to our sexual health, I think it's important for communication to increase.  Now, it's completely up to you what type of conversation you need to have with your partner.  If you want to be Super CSI or simply ask a person's view on protection, this is still better than believing a person "looks" clean.  This is not an aesthetic (outer beauty/looks) issue; this is a below the surface issue that requires a doctor's clean bill of health attached.  So don't be afraid to skip dinner and a movie and head for the clinic.  It may not be sexy, but hey, burning and itching while taking your medicine isn't too attractive either! Have the tough conversations, get tested, wrap it up, and extend your life by making smarter decisions.  Love ya bunches and good health to you all!  



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