Saturday, August 21, 2010

Now WHY Did He Go and Tell Me That?!

Sometimes silence is
the answer!
There are times I genuinely regret the friendship I have with some of my exes!  Last week, I got a call from a guy I used to date.  We shot the breeze for a while and then he dropped a bomb on me I was NOT ready for.  He told me a secret about someone I thought I knew well.  He also made me promise not to say anything unless absolutely necessary.  This was a secret so sinister, so juicy, so unreal to the naked ear that I almost began to cry.  It has to do with a family member of mine and now I'm left with the daunting task of whether to reveal what I've been told or stay out of it. 

Tonight's topic: When Should A Secret Go Public?

I'm a firm believer that no matter how long you have known a person, you will never know everything about them.  Even with all you may know, there could be discrepancies with that also.  It's nothing to be mad about.  It is not our duty in life to know everything about everybody.  Even if you love them.  Think about your deepest secret.  Unless it's something that can hurt, destroy, or demean someone else, what's the harm of keeping it?  I think that's the mentality of many people in this world.  So what do you do when you get undeniable knowledge about someone that you can't hold on to?  News that IS demeaning, hurtful, and/or destructive.

I'm not the guru on secrets, but if you want my advice here goes...Some secrets are not meant to be kept.  If a person feels the need to give you information, it's your choice to dispose of it from memory or keep it for future reference.  We are given choices in life.  Choices that can make or break a situation, a life, or ourselves.  If you are ever presented with a challenging decision of whether a secret needs to be revealed, take the time you need to filter through what is right and wrong.  Always, no matter what, choose what is right.  If the consequences seem to much to handle, know that God will never place more on you than you can bear.  

I'm guilty of having a big heart and I've given what my ex said a lot of thought.  My family's well-being, both physical and emotional, is more important to me than keeping this secret.  When I think of the people I love, there is nothing I would keep from them if it meant protecting them.  We are all we have and no evil will ever come between that.  Call it going back on my word, call it snitching, call it what you like.  I will never protect those who don't deserve it.  From my keyboard to your screen, this is MochaFoxx signing off!     



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