Monday, August 30, 2010

Dismiss the Haters in The Midst!

And they mean it!  Just don't let them kill
your dreams!
"Re-examine all you have been told.
Dismiss what insults your Soul."

~Walt Whitman ~

Beware out there! There are haters in the midst! You may have seen a few in your travels through life. They are the people who plot to stop you from reaching your goals. The ones who wait for you to fall so they can sweep in like vultures and prey on your weakness. The ones who pretend to care when you are down and retreat when things start looking up. So whatever you do don’t stop and allow them to catch you. Leave them in the dust while you fervently chase your dreams! This week is all about what matters most…YOU! The focus is on being the best we can be and leaving anything behind that goes against that!

Marine Biologist, Pediatrician, Pianist, Lawyer, and Surgeon.

Listed above are all the careers I toyed around with having as a child. Isn’t it amazing how lofty, grand and spectacular our dreams can be as children?! Yes, life happens and changes our perspective on what we considered great ideas, but why? When exactly do we lose the mentality that we CAN do anything? Growing up I was exposed to many places, people and ideas thanks to parents who cared enough to raise me. All of these experiences led me to think about whom I could be and I never placed a limit on how far I could go. Now, I’m at a stage in my life where I have met obstacles, haters and negative circumstances. My response to this is… “So What?!” I’m still going to be the best Eboni I can be!

People always seem to come along and question your dreams when they are just getting good! Have you ever told a friend/loved one your plans for the future with anticipation of their response? Has this same friend/loved one turned around and doubted your ability to accomplish the goals you set for yourself? I think we have all been there! No matter how strong or serious you are about your decision, you will always find some value and clout in what someone you love, or despise, says to you. I love the quote above because it is a two-pronged approach to facing adversity and negativity from haters or loved ones.

Review what others say, but in the end,
make your own decisions!
FIRST: “Re-examine all you have been told.” Try to find something within their statements that may ultimately help you. It may be something you didn’t think of doing. It may just be you fighting to prove that your dreams are worth living. Become motivated by what is meant to discourage!

SECOND: “Dismiss what insults your soul.” Let go of all the negative aspects of another person’s opinion. This life is your own! Grasp it and mold it into what YOU see fit. Bump the thoughts and feelings of others when you have made an executive decision. You can’t entertain every show someone puts on for you.

One of my favorite books growing up was “The Little Engine That Could”. That little engine had a tough job to do and not a lot of support. He managed to pull all those toys, gifts, and food up the mountain with four simple words and a positive attitude. So the next time somebody tests you, questions the dreams you are chasing or blocks your way up life's mountain, remember these things… Always believe in the power of you. The world is full of people, opportunities, chances and choices. You have to get out and make your opportunities happen. Anything worth having is worth working for. People will try to tear you down and you will probably never forget what they did; try to anyway! There will always be at least one person who doubts you; close your ear to them. And if anybody asks you, “What make you so different?”, look them in the eyes and say,



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