Monday, September 27, 2010

Think I Better Let It Go...

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

This evening revealed a lot of things to me about a situation I've been going through for the past two months.  I offered my kindness, and money, to a person I thought was trustworthy.  In light of a lot of negative situations that have plagued me this year, I thought I was smooth sailing.  However, just when things started to go well, BAM, this happens.  There are so many questions I have floating around in my head about why they would hurt me like this.  I mean, what did I ever do to deserve such ignorance and evilness?  My face is damp from crying and that heavy feeling of pain and betrayal has consumed me.  I truly hate feeling used and foolish for even playing a part in it.
Like I wrote about in my last post, it's usually the people you know that hurt you the most.  It still baffles me that I forget this ago old wisdom.  I refuse to become the type of woman that lets every eye-opening situation cause me to close my heart to others.  My REAL support system is still in place and they are on their job.  I was ready to take action against the injustice committed by my "friend".  Then the interjection of some good and timely advice from my loved ones convinced me that I'm better off allowing things to work themselves out.  There will always be people out there without my goodness and kind hearted spirit.  Sometimes I will come across/discover them in my life.  This doesn't mean that I should become a bitch and stoop to their level.  What it does mean is that I be myself and have the wisdom to know the difference.  

Deep down, I would like to say that this will never happen again.  That's unrealistic even on a good day!  I will be hurt again, but hopefully I can come out stronger each time and continue to give people my best even though I may not get it in return.  I will not change nor will I lose the positive attributes that make me Eboni.  I thank God for all the good people in my life and will pray for the ones who are not.  I did not want to let this situation go, but for the time being and for my sanity, things must be released.  Who am I to say I trust Him when I won't even pass over the armor and let Him fight this one for me?  So I'm deciding tonight to relinquish the burden which is hindering my progress, leave pride behind and do what's best for me. 

Thanks to all the genuine and positive people in my life.  You know who you are and this journey would be a hot mess without you!  Until next time my loves...     


Anonymous said...

I no exactly how you feel, I have been in similar situations but vow not to let any one change me for God made me the person who I am. Yes, it's hard to let go but to be the better person and save the true person who you are it's ok to let go and let God because you will always come out on top no matter who wants it different. I love you girl and we might not have known each other long but from now to the end of time I will always be in your corner even if it's from afar!!


Anonymous said...

You already know I'm right there with you. As hard as it is right now, and as difficult as it is to push hurt aside, sometimes it's necessary not just for your sanity - but for your heart. You've been there for me throughout my heartache, and you know anytime you need a shoulder (or an ear) I'm here! I love you, girl. Just know that your TRUE friends will always be there!


Eboni N. Faulkner aka MochaFoxx said...

Candace, thank you so much for your words and the support. You are so right about being the better person. I felt so much better today after allowing this to be behind me. Love you and I'm so glad I have you in my life!

Janine we have been through the fire and all I know is every time I looked to the left, you were right there. Thanks for always being that shoulder and ear that I need. Love you girl!

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