Thursday, September 2, 2010

Are YOU Holding Yourself Back?!

Get it done!
Waiting is a waste!
*Clear Throat*
"Hi. My name is Eboni and I'm a procrastinator."

Failure Speaking:

Failure loves a procrastinator the same way misery loves company! I still struggle with my addiction to putting off tomorrow what I can do today. It’s been a horrible habit that I have carried with me throughout life. It’s the same habit that left me crazed and anxious in college the night before a massive project was due. It’s the same habit that prevents me from being able to get past a certain chapter in my LONG awaited novel. It’s the same habit that often holds me back from conquering my fears of becoming the success I know I can be. Procrastination in all actuality is an obsession with perfection. For me, I have to make sure whatever I do is absolutely positively complete with every “i” dotted and every “t” crossed. This leaves many things undone and everything else trapped in the depths of my mind. How is this helping the world?! Ideas are great and all, but continuous action is what produces results.

One of my favorite quotes came from an article I found about finishing anything you start. It goes a little something like this:

“Don’t worry about getting it right – Get it done!”
Time is ticking! Leave your mark
before time is up!

Going back to the ideas vs. action debate, this can be an extremely controversial quote. Some people may feel it is better to spend extra time to plan and do your best from the beginning. I fervently challenge this train of thought! Yes, I still struggle with procrastination but this quote has pushed me to fight a little harder. Getting something done is more important to me than getting it perfect. At least in the beginning stages that is. Once a product is complete or an idea has come to fruition, the hardest part now lies behind you. Revisions and changes are easy and doable when you have a stable foundation. Think about it, would you rather furnish an empty house or build a house from the ground up to furnish? If it was up to some people, they would never even have a roof over their head for procrastinating!

I found this article from Psychology Today entitled “Procrastination: Ten Things To Know” and many things stuck out to me. One of my favorite sections from this article lists the “flavors” of this detrimental and self-sabotaging inclination. Which type are you?!

“People procrastinate for different reasons. Dr. Ferrari identifies three basic types of procrastinators:

1.  arousal types, or thrill-seekers, who wait to the last minute for the euphoric rush.
2. avoiders, who may be avoiding fear of failure or even fear of success, but in either case are very concerned with what others think of them; they would rather have others think they lack effort than ability.
3. decisional procrastinators, who cannot make a decision. Not making a decision absolves procrastinators of responsibility for the outcome of events.”

Don't let this be you!
I’m ashamed to admit that I have been guilty of all three! I absolutely love the rush of completing a task just below the buzzer! I will put off working on my book because deep down I fear that it might not sell or either it will be so great I’m expected to replicate it! I also take way too much time to “think and plan” my tasks which results in never making a choice. So there you have it! Now you know that I am a certified procrastinator! HOWEVER, I am in the process of changing this pattern in my life. I made the choice to stop waiting and start doing when I lost my father. Of all the lessons I learned from this tragic event, this is one of the biggies. Life is not guaranteed to any of us and what we complete is our contribution to the world. I don’t want to be remembered for all the great ideas I had; I want to be known for the girl who did it all and never stopped!

Here are a few suggestions to getting your mojo back and making realistic strides toward your goals:

-Have a “PIFAP” (Partner In the Fight Against Procrastination)! This person will help keep you in line and support your accountability. Just make sure this person is about their business!
-Find a successful person in the field you want to pursue, famous or not so much, and pick up their blueprint. You never know if the road they took is one you can easily stroll down.
-Make a detailed plan and tackle one thing at a time. Spend thirty minutes working (the length of a sitcom!) and then take a break. Decide that you will finish the task that day and do it!
-Do something that you love and reward yourself for what you do accomplish.
-NEVER QUIT! If you stop, the game is over. If you keep going you just might win!
By the time you reach this point,
don't leave it open-ended!
Give life your best!


Angie said...

I loved it Eb! I know I've been guilty of not giving my best. Thanks to you, I'm ready to make a change! Btw, The PIFAP thing is hilarious!

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