Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Age Discrimination: A Poem That Shows Age ≠ Wisdom!

(Wrote this poem in college about someone I failed to appreciate initially.  Lesson: Get to know a person before subjecting them to your hang-ups and rules.)

You will probably never treat me the same
What is so disheartening is that I’m the one to blame
So how can I ever expect things between us to change
When the reason behind all this was due to MY shame

You could have lied and told me what I wanted to hear
When I found out, I pushed you away when you wanted to be near
As I think about why, I can’t pinpoint my fear
This is still killing me even though it’s been over a year

You were good enough when it came to what we could do
I focused more on the action and not enough on you
Although my days are full, I still find time to be blue
For never separating my thoughts from what was true

You never gave me a reason to be judgmental
I never did a background check or consider you credentials
Never took the time out to realize your potential
Leaving the results of my ignorance detrimental

Once it was over and done, you looked beyond what was shared
Doing everything in your power, you showed me you cared
Setting out to change my thoughts, you dared
Instead of appreciating your efforts I stupidly remained impaired

Now it’s much too hard for me to take the slack
How do you get someone’s attention that has already turned their back?
How do you pick up a train and put it back on the track?
And what else do you say when the words you seem to lack?

So this is my way of expressing how I feel
To let you know that I SEE what you wanted was real
I realize that your feelings you will probably forever conceal
It’s all my fault since I ignored what you chose to reveal

I just want you to know you will always be special to me
I’m so sorry it took so long for me to see
Now I have to live with the thought we may never be
And it’s all due to the fact that I had a bad case of A.D.


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