Wednesday, September 29, 2010

False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR)

  He begged her to talk with him.  "We have so much to discuss".  Those were his sentiments.  She thought perhaps an apology would be at the heart of this conversation.  He had done so much to deliberately hurt her that she didn't believe he could do any more damage.  She met him and they talked in her car.  The interaction gradually turned from tense to terrifying and she knew she made a huge mistake by allowing this talk to happen.  She decided to drive her car away from the desolate street they were on to an open, well lit parking lot with a healthy amount of pedestrians.  Noticing his anger increasing, she felt trapped even surrounded by people.  She had left him four months ago for irreconcilable mistakes made on his part.  He still couldn't fathom their relationship being over.  She screamed out, "Why are you doing this to me?  Just leave me alone!"  He grabbed her neck and squeezed.  In that moment, she felt the breath robbed from her body.  Her heart was beating from her chest and aside from physical pain, she felt betrayed and disrespected.  The tears streaming down her face seemed to singe her cheeks.  Within her emotions, she managed to garner enough power to punch him in his ribs.  He groaned in agony, but continued to choke her until something snapped and he let her go.  She grabbed her throat from shock and held on from dismay. He fled from the car and disappeared.  In the moments after this incident, anything affiliated with him caused only one emotion...

If you have ever been at the mercy of someone else's anger, you can identify with the way this woman felt.  I can also relate because it was me.   In Amy Winehouse's song "You Sent Me Flying" she said, "Maybe if I get this down, I'll get it off my mind."  This is my hope with this get this situation as far from my mind as possible.  I never expected to be in a position like this ever in my life.  I didn't share this with anyone because to me, there was nothing more embarrassing than mistaking the intentions of someone I cared for.  Even to this day two years later, my subconscious plays tricks on me and I have sleepless nights and realistic nightmares.   This scripture has helped me deal with the fear that I experienced/continue to cope with: 

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
II Timothy 1:7

Turn your fear OFF! 
Life is too precious to live with this negative spirit.
*Pic courtesy of*

It doesn't matter who you are, we have all been in a position where our control was tested and we were unsure of what was coming next.  Maybe it wasn't a person.  Perhaps it was a situation, a problem or a phobia.  Regardless of what, we all suffer from fear.  The scripture above reminds me that fear is a spirit and as with any spirit, it can be cast from you with a little inner power, lots of love and the peace that a sound mind can bring.  When I think about the topics for my post, I usually turn to the people in my life to draw inspiration.  My trainer and I had a talk earlier and he said something very profound to me.  "We fear what we don't understand, so the more you know about a situation, person or problem the less fear you keep."  With the above situation, I know that I am protected, powerful, loved and stable.  Yes, I still fear the prospect of facing the same demon, but you know what..."I WILL NOT LOSE!"

So the next time you find yourself facing something you fear, remember these things...

It's the only way to defeat them!
*Pic courtesy of*

1) All that nonsense about nothing to fear but fear itself doesn't work!  Acknowledge what you are scared of and decide that you are stronger than it could ever be.
2) The forces that be can sense your fear and feed off of this.  Face what you deem horrifying with power, love and a sound mind.
3) Be the expert in what you fear: Learn it, know it and ultimately defeat it!
4) Emotions are only as big as you allow them to grow.  Channel your fear into something more positive.
5) Use your weapons!  Your positive emotions, your support system and your own inner strength. (What did you think I meant?!)
6) You only have one life so don't allow your fear of ANYTHING to prevent you from experiencing EVERYTHING you are meant to experience.  

So what I'm only 5'5?!  I'm still a beast and will always maintain my peace by executing my power, utilizing my love and strengthening my sound mind.  I only serve one God and fear is a spirit I will not possess!!  Wishing you all the best life has to offer!  Love ya!!  

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