Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Never Be Too Busy For God

One of God's Many Signs

And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth."

Genesis 9:12-13

I wanted to talk about a totally different topic tonight, but then something miraculous happened on my way home from the gym.  While driving, I began to think about my dad.  I wasn't getting sad, but there will probably always be a part of me that finds his death unreal.  There are still some days I pick up the phone with the anticipation of hearing his voice.  Today was one of those days.  But back to the story...

When I looked to the left, I saw the most beautiful and breathtaking rainbow I have ever seen in my life.  I instantly thanked God for showing me that my dad is ok.  That's when the tears started, but they weren't from sadness at all.  They were full of joy!  It's a blessing to have a relationship with God that is filled with comforting events, whether large or small.  That rainbow grew in the sky as I made the trip home.  It seemed to get brighter and never lose it's place right next to me.  I know it was only God's presence and favor of my life that allowed me to witness and appreciate his gift. 

Now just think about how many people don't receive the gifts that God has for them because they are too busy doing what they do.  There is nothing on this Earth more important that the relationship I have with my Heavenly Father.  There are some days I don't feel like going to church, but there is never a day I don't feel like going out on the town.  This is something I am working on because I want to be called by Him when it's my time; nobody or nothing else! 

I took this pic earlier this summer.  It reminds me that God
is worth taking time for.
As small as it may seem, I thank God everyday for waking me up and giving me another chance to be better than yesterday.  All of the things I love are because of Him.  All the friendships I have and the people who love me were put in my life because of Him.  The spirit of discernment I was blessed with was only a gift He could give.  Ask yourself what you were blessed with and the last time you TOOK TIME to thank Him properly. 

We waste a lot of time in this life.  Spending precious moments worrying about money, relationships, what somebody else has, what's going wrong, what's next on the agenda, and why we aren't where we want to be.  I encourage anyone who reads this to push yourself to take time out to slow down and realize what your blessings are.  No matter what you THINK you have to get done, there is nothing more important than making time for what will ultimately get you into Heaven.  A good way to start is by turning off all the distractions in your life.  Take a break from all the social activity and engage in something spiritual.  It could be as small as turning the television off for an evening or as large as going on a spiritual retreat.  Whatever you do, make time for God.

So the next time you are feeling down, angry, upset, happy, excited, or surprised, allow God to speak to you in whatever way He sees fit.  Don't deny what He places in front of you.  Be ready to listen when He speaks.  Know that He will never lead you wrong.  Never be too busy for God.


Frenchy said...

I love this and it is soooo True!!!!!So many times we put God on a back burner when he needs to be in the forefront!!!He is the source of our strength and with him all things are possible!!!!!

Eboni N. Faulkner aka MochaFoxx said...

I am so glad that you loved it! I often wonder how people make it without Him. He is the only thing that keeps me going!

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