Sunday, August 22, 2010

Three Letter Word With Unlimited Possibilities!

We have all done it at least once.  Sometimes they are white, according to Shakira and B the people who do it can be beautiful, some call them little or harmless.  Whatever you put in front of it, a lie is still a lie.  The formulation of a lie can destroy, betray, upset, cover up, enhance, or excite the person who receives it.  All lies are capable of snowballing out of control and in some cases can result in deadly consequences.  If there is one thing I can't put my stamp of approval on in any relationship, it is dishonesty.  For all those reading this, if you ever want to get rid of me simply lie to me!  Works every time!  Now before I go any further, I don't want to be misconstrued as a perfect specimen.  I'm definitely not.  However, we all have our no-nos when it comes to what is acceptable in our lives.  Lying happens to be one of mine.  So what exactly is a lie?
According to, the first definition of lie is "a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood."  If I may add my own twist, I believe that a lie can also come in the form of a half truth.  Something I like to describe as telling "half truths and whole lies".  If you have ever been lied to, I'm sure you either knew for a fact it was a lie or you felt in your spirit that the story was off.  Being deceived is a hard thing to swallow.  It's true that the people you love hurt you the most.  This week, I will be going in depth with different relationships and how lies have affected them.  For me, I have been at the receiving end of a lie one too many times.  I happen to know a few liars and they all make the same mistakes.  Look out for these characteristics if you have trouble spotting a liar:

Too bad when people lie, THEIR nose
doesn't grow!
1) They tend to talk around a subject.  You can ask them a direct question and they will never give you a direct answer.
2) They talk way too much about irrelevant information with bits and pieces of incriminating evidence scattered throughout.
3) They insist on making you believe what they are saying is true or they either get defensive because they know it's not true.
There is no reason why I should know all this, but I do.  Life has a way of showing you what you need to see at the precise time you need to see it.  I have a no tolerance policy towards liars because it's a habit that becomes addictive and challenging.  If a person has ever lied to you and you caught them, they will often find a way to tailor and strengthen the next lie they tell.  Like most sins, lying is attractive, fun, and detrimental to relationships.  If you can't be honest with the ones you love, then who can you be honest with?
Tomorrow I will be covering an  epidemic that is sweeping the world; lies and std's.  It saddens me to think of what these lies are doing to families and individuals.  
So, keep up with me this week and let some things sink in.  If you've ever been lied to, forgive the person anyway.  Forgiveness has and always will be a comfort to the person that gives it.  If you find yourself wanting to tell a lie, think about the repercussions it could have.  Think about all the work it could create for you in the long run.  Lying is a habit that CAN be broken.  Besides, you would be surprised the freedom and peace that honesty can bring you.  Until tomorrow my loves!       


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