Sunday, August 15, 2010

Brilliant, Confident, Resilient, Independent, Compassionate AND Gorgeous! Lucky Me!

We already are...and flawlessly!
Despite the title, this is not just about me.  I HAD to take the time and speak about the phenomenally beautiful women in my life and the characteristics we all share.  You can turn us inside out and the same beauty will hit you from both sides!  You can throw anything our way and we will adapt.  Matter of fact, we will thrive!  When I think of my mom, my sisters, my girlfriends, I am floored by the strength, the ability to rise like a phoenix and manage to look fly while doing it all! 

I have FINALLY reached a point in my life where I'm better than good!  Can't explain when it happened, but when I transcended into Mocha Foxx, I left the shell of my old self behind.  Despite what speed bumps I face in the road of life, I don't crash and burn!  I slow down, get over it, dust myself off, and move forward with grace!  Not to mention a trunk full of lessons learned!  This new person I have become scares me sometimes, because it's like discovering you can fly.  You never wanna stop! 

Sometimes we forget that God is in control of the heavy stuff.  All we have to do is adjust our attitude to His executive decisions.  All the women in my life know this and are exuberant examples of it!  When I look at the changes I have seen in my female family and friends over the years, I see that there is nothing I can't overcome.

My mom took charge of her family moving us to another state for the sake of a better life.
My sisters are doting mothers, working women, and examples that you can do it all and look great while doing it.
My best friend put herself through college and two jobs with no help from her family. 
A girlfriend of mine uprooted across country to seek the kind of life she deserved.
A good friend of mine took time for herself after a rough break-up and emerged more radiant and positive.

And this is just a small example of how fabulously fearless we are!

There is no limit to how far I can go.  I made a choice to be one of these women and my life is already reflecting that.  I am no longer waiting for life to come see me.  I am making my presence known!  Living the champagne life with a platinum attitude!  Planning season is almost done; now it's time for action!

So the next time somebody asks me:

Oh you fancy huh?!

I'm gonna answer:

"Yes Sir, and then some!"


SusanMarie said...

(`'•.¸ (`'•.¸*¤* ¸.•'´) ¸.•'´)
..♥*** (= ♥ AMEN ♥ =)***♥
(¸.•'´ (¸.•'´*¤* `'•.¸) `'•.¸)

Eboni N. Faulkner aka MochaFoxx said...

You have GOT to teach me how to make this beautiful art! Thanks for the love hun!

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