Thursday, November 25, 2010

What Are You Thankful For?

Good Morning World!  This post is not just for those celebrating Thanksgiving Day, but for everyone.  A tradition for those who do celebrate this holiday involves going around a food-filled table of family and friends and stating what we are thankful for.  As lovely as this is, I am making a vow today to be grateful everyday of the year.  We are not privy to the contents and happenings of each coming day, but we ALWAYS have something to be thankful for.  Whether it is your health, your friends, the roof over your head, the opportunity to eat or just the strength to move forward we are all blessed!  If you have everything you want, never forget that there are others out there who would love what you have.  Give back with a kind heart and understanding spirit.  If you are hoping for a miracle, realize that you are surrounded by them!  We have to be thankful for everything whether large or small because nothing is promised!

Remember these people as you go throughout your day:

The soldiers fighting around the world...
The homeless women, men and children who don't know where their next meal is coming from...
The unemployed people who struggle to make their holiday special...
The elderly who rarely/never get a visit or a kind word from their family...
The orphans who are wishing someone will take them home...
The poor who don't have the opportunity to sit at a dinner table...
All that are less fortunate, but more grateful than those of us who have what we want...

Never forget how blessed your life is!  Things could always be worse and you can always make someone else's life better no matter who you are! 

I am thankful to be awake, thankful to be loved, thankful to be healthy and thankful to be able to express myself!  What are you thankful for today?!


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